Lucy Currie’s Art Shines At The High As Part Of The MOCA Permanent Collection
If you’re looking for a wonderful way to spend your weekend, head out to The High Museum of Art to see the exhibition Trading Places I: Selections from the MOCA Permanent Collection at the High Museum of Art. The collection is a collaboration between The High and The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia, and it is comprised of 32 works from 22 Georgia artists including my cousin Lucy Currie.
Lucy does pencil drawings and oils that are full of color and whimsy. She has a playful quality to her art and for those who know her, you see her personality and sense of humor in her work. I also love her use of color and have two of her oils in my personal collection — both full of saturated color. Lucy uses lots of paint while creating; and if you see the easel in her studio, it’s covered in thick dollops of paint left from her many works of art. Here’s a look at one of Lucy’s oils below. The piece is called Hijacker:
Here’s another look at her work with a piece entitled Safari:
She does amazing work. Take a look at her work and the other Georgia artist at the High. You’ll be as amazed as I was.