Tabletop Décor: Setting the Perfect Thanksgiving Day Table

The countdown to Thanksgiving Day is on. In less than 24 hours you’ll be hosting friends and family as you sit around the table to enjoy a special holiday meal. The menu has been planned, now you just need to focus on the decor.

Here are some of my favorite place settings for Thanksgiving that I found on Pinterest. As you can see pumpkins are still in season, so if you still have a few left over from Halloween, use they as part of the decor.  Keep it simple so you don’t have to spend too much time decorating the table.  The process should be fun and creative!




Now that the table is set it is time to freshen up on holiday etiquette. Patricia Napier-Fitzpatrick, the Founder and Director of The Etiquette School of New York, has shared tips on setting the “perfect table and being the perfect guest at one” on The Vivant.